[ .NET, C#, WinForms, RegEx ]

As I continue posting my past projects, here is one from my university years. It is a C# WinForms dictionary application that is designed to translate words and phrases from Russian to Chechen language. The application is based on the .NET Framework and uses the WinForms technology for creating a graphical user interface (GUI).

Overview of the Application

The C# WinForms dictionary application is called “Noxçiyn Doşam”, which translates to “Chechen Dictionary” in English. The application is designed to be easy to use and intuitive, with a simple and clean user interface that allows users to search for words and phrases in the Russian language and get their translations in the Chechen language.

The main window of the application consists of a search bar, a list box that displays the search results, and a label that shows the description of the selected word or phrase. Users can type in a word or phrase in the search bar and press Enter to search for it. The search results are displayed in the list box, with the matching words or phrases highlighted in yellow. Users can click on a word or phrase in the list box to select it and view its description in the label below. The application also includes a menu bar that provides additional functionality, such as the ability to exit the application, view the application version and copyright information, and change the font size and color of the text in the label and list box.

Code Structure and Design Patterns

The C# WinForms dictionary application is written in C# and uses the Visual Studio development environment for creating the GUI and writing the code. The code is organized into classes and methods that implement the various features and functionality of the application.

The main class of the application is called frmMain, which is a subclass of the Form class provided by WinForms. This class contains all the code that defines the behavior and appearance of the main window of the application. It also contains event handlers for responding to user actions, such as clicking on a menu item or selecting a word or phrase in the list box. The frmMain class uses several other classes and methods to implement the various features of the application, such as loading the dictionary data from a file, searching for words and phrases in the dictionary, and displaying the search results in the list box.

One of the key design patterns used in the application is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, which separates the application logic (the Model) from the user interface (the View) and the user input (the Controller). The Model consists of the dictionary data and the methods that operate on it, while the View consists of the GUI elements that display the data to the user. The Controller consists of the event handlers that respond to user input and update the Model and the View accordingly.

Another design pattern used in the application is the Singleton pattern, which ensures that there is only one instance of a particular class throughout the lifetime of the application. This pattern is used to implement the frmMain class as a Singleton, which ensures that there is only one main window of the application and prevents multiple instances from being created accidentally.

Download: Nohchiyn Dosham

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